
make money

Monday, July 29, 2013

Incoming Wave of Photos

Here's a sneak peek of what's to come. This picture was a pain to wait for. I was waiting for the yellow strobe lights to light up Hoobastank at just the right time. Eventually I finally nailed it and came up with this picture. I was very pleased with the results. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Meghan Grant: The Artist

The collection, and she said I could name them whatever I wanted, so I got creative. 

 Gypsy With Infinite Gaze

 Invisible Swan

 Death Rose

 Alien Octopus 

Boat to the Land of Eternity

 The woman behind the brilliance

Look her up on facebook if any of these pictures would make an intriguing addition to your art collection.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Get In Touch With Nature!

 I saw the pollen in the air, and instantly thought of a girl when I saw this. I have no attractions or anything to her, it just made me laugh because she rants about allergies all the time. I thought it was hilarious to take this picture and share it. Her reaction was priceless.

 There was a sense of history behind this tree when I saw it fell. It was rooted into the ground so well that it pulled this much dirt with it. It was strange to sense that much power in this old tree.

I ran into some strangers in the woods when I took this picture. They told me where I could find this flower, and we walked about a half mile back to the garden to find this. It was a beautiful flower and worth the trek back.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Get In Touch With Nature Again!

Did you know dandelions were used to cure infections and liver issues in Europe, North America, and China? Something to consider next time you see a dandelion you want to utilize <3

The poor girl that got stung by the wasp =( 

Did you know Sandhill Cranes have the longest fossil records to date, clocking in at ten million years?

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Some Landscape Photography

After a Thunderstorm 

Another Picture After the Thunderstorm 

A Flooded Loading Dock 

Something About Urban Decay Just Fascinates Me

Get In Touch With Nature!

 Name That Mammal!

Name That Plant Species! 

Name That Bird!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Bristol Street @ The Crofoot July 20th 2013

Friendly reminder: Tickets are still available for the Bristol Street show at The Crofoot in Downtown Pontiac Saturday July 20. Doors open at 8. Hope to see you there! Here are more photos of the band!

 Dramatic Matt


Cory Winkler 

George Hitting Those Hard Notes 

Ryan Smiling?! DA HECK?
 Loyal Fan Lisa!

Group Shot For a Fan 

Smile For the Camera 

Hancock That Poster


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Pictures of the Night

George Aneed

 Ryan James

 Cory Winkler

Matthew Debartolo

With Their Powers Combined, They Are Bristol Street

Pictures of the Morning

Kaleido Supports the Troops!

Best. Signature. Ever. 

What a Nut. Turbo Puns.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Picture of the Night

Check out Bristol Street and US 12 Bar in Downtown Wayne, MI on Facebook. Bristol Street will also be performing their next big show at The Crofoot on July 20. Tickets are $10.